
C# Lesson 3: C# While Loop

What are loops? Loops are techniques used in programming to repeat a piece of code for a certain amount of time or specific number of repetitions. They are very efficient in minimizing the work load that of repetitive nature. Most common types of loops in C# are for, while, and foreach (for each) loops. Let us see the while loop in action. We would like out program to Receive integer input from user on how many times to type a star "*". Type starts with same count as user input. Let us do it as follows (code in text at the bottom) Let us now analyze how the code works The code receive the user input as a string and convert it into integer. The while loop will continue to run as long as its condition(s) are met or true. As long as the condition (num>0) is true, it will type a star "*". The num-- is self decrement of the integer num by 1. That is, it will decrease from its value each time the loop is executed. When num becomes zero, the whil...

Matlab Lesson 3: Working with M-Files

In this lesson, we will get to know What are Matlab m-files (file.m). How to use m-files to create powerful scripts and coding. Watch the following video Now test that in your Matlab!

Matlab Lesson 2: Vectors and Simple Plotting

In this lesson, we will learn What are row and column vectors and how to use them. Perform simple plotting of variables in the x-y plane. What the following video No go and test the above in your Matlab!

Matlab Lesson 1: Know Matlab environment

What is Matlab? MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and proprietary programming language developed by MathWorks. MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages. Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, an optional toolbox uses the MuPAD symbolic engine allowing access to symbolic computing abilities. An additional package, Simulink, adds graphical multi-domain simulation and model-based design for dynamic and embedded systems. As of 2018, MATLAB has more than 3 million users worldwide. MATLAB users come from various backgrounds of engineering, science, and economics. [Wikipedia] Matlab provides powerful toolboxes for most of scientific and engineering fields, such as Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. Deep Learning Toolbox. Reinforcement Learning Toolbox. Text Analyti...

C# Lesson 2: Odd/Even Numbers with if Statement

In this program, we would like that The console window requests a number from the user. The program check if it is an even or odd number. Result is printed out in the console window. Let code the following (code in copy-able text at the bottom) Press F5 to run the program... Let us now analyze the code Integers can be stored and manipulated in C# using the int data type. Use Convert.ToInt32(string) to convert the string into the int type of 32 bit size. if statement is used to decide execution of code based on predefined conditions. The first block of code after if statement is run if the conditions are true. else statement is used to sun code when conditions of the if statements are not met (false). Modulus gives us the remainder of division and we use "%" to get the modulus in C#. Here is the code in copy-able text ----- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks...

C# Lesson 1: Reply the Greeting

In this lesson, we would like that The console window prompt the user to type their name. The program capture their input as a string/text. The program reply backs with the greeting. Here we go! Code the following (code in copy-able text is available below) Press F5 to build and run... Type you name as prompted, press Enter.. Let us now analyze the code We have used Console.ReadLine() to read input from user. We stored user input in a variable of string type. String variable are used to store and manipulate plain text. String concatenation is done by the plus "+" operator as shown in the example. Here is the code in copy-able text ----- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MyApp1 {     class Program     {         static void Main(string[] args)         {         ...

C# Programming, Lesson 0: Installing Visual Studio

Firstly, Well done on choosing C# as your next learning goal. But why C#? C# (pronounced see sharp) is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language encompassing strong typing, lexically scoped, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based), and component-oriented programming disciplines.[16] It was developed around 2000 by Microsoft as part of its .NET initiative, and later approved as an international standard by Ecma (ECMA-334) and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270:2018). Mono is the name of the free and open-source project to develop a compiler and run-time for the language. C# is one of the programming languages designed for the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) [Wikipedia]. Get you tools first -> Install Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Visual Studio is a full-featured integrated development environment (IDE) for Android, iOS, Windows, web, and cloud. Step 1 : Go to: Download t...